StöbenWittlinger GmbH
Lübeckertordamm 1-3 – 20099 Hamburg
Tel +49 40 254010-0
Managing partners Axel-H. Wittlinger and Doris Wittlinger
Hamburg Local Court
HRB 32811
VAT ID: DE 118578028
Approval according to § 34 c Gewerbeordnung of 29.05.1984 by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Competent supervisory authority:
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Hamburg-Nord District Office,
Economic and regulatory office
P.O. Box 201744, 20243 Hamburg
Public liability insurance
Insurer:Zurich Versicherung AG, 53287 Bonnn
Insurance locations:
Lübeckertordamm 1/3, 20099 Hamburg
Bürgerweide 4/Jungestraße 10, 20535 Hamburg
This legal notice applies to the Facebook page “Stöben Wittlinger” (, as well as to the webpage of StöbenWittlinger GmbH (
Ombudsman Real Estate IVD/VPB – Duty to inform according to § 36 VSBG
The Immobilienverband Deutschland IVD e.V. has set up an arbitration board in accordance with the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) with the participation of the consumer association Verband Privater Bauherren e.V. (VPB). Disputes between consumers and IVD members can be settled before the arbitration board in an out-of-court arbitration procedure.
Stöben Wittlinger GmbH is a member of the IVD and is obliged by the IVD statutes to submit a written statement to the ombudsman’s office if it initiates proceedings. Stöben Wittlinger GmbH does not participate in arbitration proceedings at other arbitration boards.
The address of the arbitration board of the IVD is: Ombudsmann Immobilien IVD/VPB – Grunderwerb und -verwaltung, Littenstraße 10, 10179 Berlin. Further information on the conciliation body (e.g. further communication data, rules of procedure) can be found at
Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR REGULATION
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here: